Insurance Sync podcast features Kimberly DukeInsurance Sync dives deep into the ever-evolving world of insurance and technology, featuring the latest trends, challenges, and...
Launching a New Vision for a Digital TPAInsurance-in-a-box, the key to simplifying change in the life insurance industry In an ever-evolving industry, insurance carriers are...
How LIDP's Titanium is Future-Proofing Life Insurers with an Advanced Policy Admin SystemMatthew Segreti, CTO and Senior VP at LIDP shared how the company is changing the game for the life insurance industry.
Aite-Novarica Policy Admin Impact ReportLIDP is featured in the 2023 Policy Admin Impact Report which provides an overview of the life insurance policy admin providers.
Driving Digital Change to the Core System Using Complete AutomationLIDP drives digital change initiatives that foster growth in life insurance policy administration while minimizing risks.
A Quantum Leap in the Insurance MarketLIDP Consulting Services Inc. is celebrating its 40th year in business with continued growth and an award-winning solution for the 4th...